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Gay Stories

Gay erotic stories explore the homosexual attraction between men. These include males who are gay, bisexual or those who have want to settle a long term curiosity.

Planned gay meets or spontaneous encounters; homosexual adventures can start in a variety of casual situations or even unexpectedly during an MMF threesome. Delve into the erotic gay tales and explore the testosterone attraction.

New to gay sex or experienced it before? Share your own behind closed doors confessions with other readers.


While recently traveling to drogheda I had an hour to kill at station was late and quiet. I went to the toilet n into last cubicle. Noticed some holes in wall n took a peek there was an older guy playing with himself so I finished n left. Saw him come out...

Score 9 9
4.9k Views 4.9k
385 words 385 words

So here comes another true story from my somewhat exciting sex life. Last summer I was in west cork on a day off. I had decided to head to a particular beach down west that is well known for being a gay cursing area during the summer. I arrived at the bea...

Score 7 7
4.0k Views 4.0k
1.1k words 1.1k words

So this is my second story and again a true one. As you will see from my profile i am a bi guy and i do enjoy the man on man fun i have had. A few months ago i started chatting with a guy on here (bob, not his real name lol) and we got on very well. After...

Score 6 6
3.8k Views 3.8k
777 words 777 words

Both Shane and I work from home which is convenient if the weather is conducive to an unscheduled training session. Shane works for a multinational company so does do the business trips abroad every few weeks. One Monday morning about 8:30 am he texted “f...

Score 3 3
2.9k Views 2.9k
813 words 813 words

After years of being active playing various sports injury and eventually knee surgery resulted in me taking up cycling. As a new cyclist I was too fit to be considered a beginner but not technically strong enough for the local cycling clubs so I needed a...

Score 3 3
2.9k Views 2.9k
1.3k words 1.3k words

Hi all, well i'm back with another story, this time my story starts last winter, it was around 2 or 3pm on a Wednesday afternoon, while i was out pottering about in the garden i heard a lot of shouting coming from a building site a few hundred meters down...

Score 5 5
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1.4k words 1.4k words

Hello again, well its been a while but here's part 2. Well as you know from the first part i was used and abused, raped and buggered by four dirty , smelly old men, they showed no mercy, i was just their plaything to do with as they wanted. Its been a few...

Score 0 0
2.1k Views 2.1k
867 words 867 words

Hi all, this story is something i have been thinking about for a while, i am sitting on a park bench on a summers day, no body around, just me, when next i feel a sharp pain in my head and i pass out, next thing i remember is coming around and i'm tied up...

Score 2 2
2.5k Views 2.5k
987 words 987 words

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Hello again, i hope you liked my first story, well i'm going back a good while for this one, while using a public toilet, having a shit, i started to read the writing on the walls and door that guys had left and some phone numbers, i found i was getting h...

Score 6 6
5.0k Views 5.0k
1.1k words 1.1k words