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Whispers..yes or no

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37 replies
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should the whisper feature be removed

34 votes remaining
yes (7 votes) 21%
no (44 votes) 129%
not sure (2 votes) 6%
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Wouldn't the most simple solution without having to involve admin, or changing any format in chat, simply be to ignore anyone you do not want to engage with? If the person becomes abusive abort and report..
Forum Virgin
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Quote by user=kong
Hmmmmm,Wouldn't a mail to your mailbox cover that,,Avalon????

There is all sorts of restrictions of who can communicate with who on this site, if you ask me. Its confusing and I dont know if anyone I contact is unable to contact me back, or they just aren't interested. :P I have asked before about this 'membership' thing (trying to pimp everyone in Ireland more like) and what people who didn't have it couldnt do, but never got a straight answer.
Anyone got an answer to this? Also I was told I had a full account, but I was just viewing someone's profile and it said that I couldn't view contact details unless I had a full membership. Very confused. So, if someone wants to send a message and get a reply, both the sender and recipient have to pay 15 euro a month? That's a bit silly.
Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
i believe whispers are an integral part to the site. i believe in being discrete and so i do not want some of my more personal information (obviously not including contact information) broadcast around the main room for all to see as it is my experience that many people will not chat and sit in room taking note of conversations that they are not involved in. as i am not a single female i obviously do not get as many unwanted whispers so it is hard to comment but usually i just ignore them. however i do see how frustrating it is when random people enter the room and see it as their god given right to whisper you. if someone chats to me on the main screen i generally dont mind them whispering me. A simple request to whisper should not be too much to ask and i applaud the moderators for their swift reactions to these people as they can often seriously disrupt chat with unwanted and abusive comments. loaded :rascal:
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Lo lo jus cuz u want 2 whisper Bobo ffs :P
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Emmmm on other sites with Chat-rooms, they have I.M. within the Chat-room where you can accept or decline it and that eliminates un-wanted whispering, but then I think of here and would you rather it to be handy to whisper in private straight off which I think it is. So I vote keep it :-) For un-wanted whispers simply just copy and paste or ignore them they tend to stop after about 8 r 10 whispers lol or just move rooms 4 a bit f u'v had enough.
Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
miss i also love to whisper you my dirty thoughts,,,,, imagine if whispers were taken away and i could no longer tell you them :crazy:
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
worship:worship::worship: Lo lo we couldn't hav that ........................