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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 41
0 km · Waterford


Warming the Bed
Heya. Have a free house and wondering if there are any girls or couples interested in meeting up?? Am about 15 min drive from Waterford city. If anyone is interested drop me a mail!
Warming the Bed
Hey all. I'm staying in a hotel in Dublin tonight and I'm looking for a fem or couple to join me if they were interested. If u are mail me and I'll let u know where I am
Warming the Bed
Hey all. I'm staying in birr tonight and wondering if any women or couples looking for fun tonight??
Warming the Bed
Hey all. Single guy here in Waterford looking for fun tonight. I'm able to accomm. Anyone interested pm me and I'll get back to you smile
Warming the Bed
heya. just wondering if anyone would be interested in some fun with me and another couple tonight? thurday 9th. if interested mail me wit pics please smile
Warming the Bed
heya. keep me in mind if u are looking for a single guy! would love to attend this time!! smile Deise
Warming the Bed
Heya. I'm able to accom tonight and I'm lookin for some people who wud be interested in joining me for some fun. If anyone is interested mail me smile
Warming the Bed
Hey all. I know this is last minute but are any fem or couple interested in some fun tonight. I'm free and able to accommodate. I live few miles outside Waterford city. If anyone is interested mail me
Warming the Bed
Heya. I'd def be interested in attending if there is still a place and u looking for a single guy! Have pics I can send on if ur interested
Warming the Bed
heya lucy. id def be interested in going if u will have me!! lol
Warming the Bed
hey if ur looking for any other single guys to attend im free this weekend
Warming the Bed
hey all. me and a bi fem are meeting this thursday and she is looking for a bi fem to join us for some fun. anyone interested mail me for details
Warming the Bed
hey all im stayin in a waterford hotel tonite and im lookin for some fun!! lol anyone interested mail me and ill get back to u!!
Warming the Bed
im sure it will! it a little bit close to xmas eve but id say plenty will travel!
Warming the Bed
hey all im ( male here), up in dublin on fri and sat nite and lookin to meet up wit anyone who is up for meeting for a few drinks and hopefully some fun! anyone interested mail me!