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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 43


Warming the Bed
Ohhhh all the emails I have been getting I can barely countuhow. bmany lol
Warming the Bed
So.I was thinking maybe a few drinks and something to eat followed by some naughtyness
Warming the Bed
Well i find myself witha free night for a change so im wondering is there anyone out there at all who would like to meet me for a drink and take things from there.......I can travel so there no problem i can come to you
Warming the Bed
Any couples or girlys in cork tonight who would like to meet up for a drink?
Warming the Bed
Hi Im around on friday......verfid and a non smoker...would be up for a laugh
Warming the Bed
Hi Everybody, im looking for someone to go for a few drinks in cork on wednesday night. Would anyone be interested
Warming the Bed
Hey peeps looking for a couple or fem in cork today for some me if your interested.
Warming the Bed
Hi im just wondering ir there anyone up for some fun next free as a bird and looking for fun.
Warming the Bed
Hi Im looking for a couple of a female to join myself and another bi-guy at a Cork hotel tomorow evening. Fun to be had for all..................
Warming the Bed
Hi everybody im out in cork tonight and looking for company. Send me a mail if your interested.
Warming the Bed
Hi Im looking for a woman for some Oral fun, My fantasy is to perform Oral on a woman but nothing else. Anyone up for some fun?
Warming the Bed
Actualy hts friday the 16th! My bad. Sure delta send me on some pics and an e m
Warming the Bed
Actualy hts friday the 16th! My bad. Sure delta send me on some pics and an e m
Warming the Bed
Actualy hts friday the 16th! My bad. Sure delta send me on some pics and an e m
Warming the Bed
Hi everybody im staying in a hotel in cork witg a 'friend' of wondering would any cpls like to join us. B.
Warming the Bed
Hi Tom Im free and able and willing to help just mail me where and when and ill be there with bells on.
Warming the Bed
Hi peeps im looking for a couple to join me and another couple at a cork hotel tonight for some fun and me yournumbers and i will give ye all the details. B.
Warming the Bed
Hi guys id be up for saturday fun, tell me when your on and ill show you all and send you pics and stuff.
Warming the Bed
Hi gUYS Only saw your add now, would have loved to have met ye. Maybe next time