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Advice please

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Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
hi all, we are just wondering if any of ye could advise us of a good European city to go to on a sex holiday.. We would love to go somewhere with a really good swingers club with a lot of reasonably younger couples? We would be travelling on a Sunday and staying there till Thursday.. Some recommendations would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance s and s xxx
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The Best European city to visit for extra curricular activity is Amsterdam...  :swingingchair:
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I've had good times in Stuttgart and Koln in 'swinger clubs in those cities,' and you find plenty to choose from. Europe is the place to be for real swinger clubs.. Best of luck.
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I'd second Am*dam.....everybody there is there for sex or **Removed by Admin** or's a really fun place.
Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Quote by sometimescouple
hi all, we are just wondering if any of ye could advise us of a good European city to go to on a sex holiday.. We would love to go somewhere with a really good swingers club with a lot of reasonably younger couples? We would be travelling on a Sunday and staying there till Thursday.. Some recommendations would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance s and s xxx
Berlin or Frankfurt are highly recommended! PS : Can I come too!! ;)
Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
going to Amsterdam with the Mrs in May. If anyone could recommend spots i'd appreciate it.
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Galwayg -U must visit Showboat just outside amsterdam. Take taxi... well worth it