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xmas theme swing masterpiece

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Sex God
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add your bits and bobs here to make an xmas theme masterpiece... forum regulars to be included :beer: :notes: :crazy: :smoke:
Sex God
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Dora sat demurely under the christmas tree, lightly fingering her.....
Sex God
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finger to turn the pages and suddenly she realised she had left........
Sex God
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avalon off her xmas card list....she quickly....
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Thought....Is My big to answer this...
Sex God
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No not at all, she flicked her long blond hair, and stroked the object down the back of her armchair.... brinnnnnnnnng brinnnnnnnngggggg went her was
Sex God
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her long time admirer calling to ...
Sex God
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Break the news, Dora was to take the lead role, in ....
Master of Sex
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Irelands got the pop factor and possibly a new celebrity Jesus Christ soapstar superstar strictly on ice...
Sex God
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...cream, but then she remebered the last time she let frozen milk products near her wobbly bits. So Instead she picked up the phone and rang.....
Master of Sex
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Hmmmmm thinks Dora.... I'd better be living up to the erm embelishments on my cv and learning to skate pretty quick...... I know I'll call that nice couple I met at that wild party (although I must admit they look soooo different in their bondage gear) Flicks through phone book....... Ring Ring.... Ring Ring..... Hello is that Christopher..... would you and Jayne be free over Xmas..... wonderful.... booking for Torvelle and Dean it is....................
Sex God
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doras thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell, a quick look in the mirror and a flick of her blonde tresses and she opened the door ...there on the doorstep laden down with wrapped sexy toys stood...
Master of Sex
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a very fit santa. wit a very firm six pack. wearing only a red santa hat and thong wit white fur waistband on it. he held in his hand a very big...
Sex God
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sack, the sack was bulging and straining under the weight of...
Sex God
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Skimpy Green latex Elf-kini (pmsl) Smiling demurel, she turned with a flick of her hair and led sant to her Grotto, Entering the room santa's Mouth hung open in shock when he seen...
Sex God
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Make sitting in the manger, with a large nappy on him, Dora had feckin pinched Addies idea for a real life Manger, Addie was furious, she skated backwards over to Dora, did a full 360 turn, cutting the shit out of the ice, fell over Avalon and Silkyboxers, who were tying Losmags to the 20ft Swing Tree knocked fjvm9 flying into Make and landed on top of...
Sex God
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...Mary Harney, who has absaloutely no relevance to this story, but I added purely for comedic value, her little beady eys twitching at the sight of all the naked bodies. Make rolled her of him and said...
Sex God
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"Mary are you gettin the part of atilla the hun the year again?". Mary was livid, she grabbed Dora by the knickers and skated after Make, whirling Dora around above her head, she launched her towards Make, poor Head46 had just skated in wearing his brand new spandex mankini,Addies shouted "duck head"but it was too late...
Sex God
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"Atilla drag those asses back to the dail, we have enough shit on ice, Torvelle and Dean are still hanging around".. Poor Dean overheard and was devastated, he dropped Make at a crucial point during an over-head reverse rotational lift. Make was squealing in agony, "Shut up Make" roared Avalon "I am annoyed enough about my lack of presents" with a sideways glare at Silky she hissed"Well Silky , forget something" Poor, poor Silky , he looked around for back up, but the others had fled to discuss how to repair Heads' Mankini..just then Avalon gasped, a man had skated onto the ice, dressed as a was..
Sex God
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Studely muffin in his flamin red spandex matador suit....he roared across the ice to avalon...and in his sexiest voice he said "I isa comin to give you your"....
Sex God
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Spare sack, he always carried two.. Stud the young Matador was now chasing Buxy around the ice, but she was having none of it, her skates cut skilfuly through the hard ice, ooops until she tripped on Addies knickers, and went headlong into Silyboxers , who had been standing idly by playing with Santas sack. Stud lost control of himself, and collasped breathless on top of Buxy and Silky, copping hold off...
Sex God
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of silky's drawers, and in the scuffle to get up, somehow or another ending up wearing them, much to silky's disgust....ffs studly said silky, you know pink is my colour not yours, now get them bleedin keks off before I...
Sex God
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"Ask Bonkinbabe the beautiful fairy to change you into an asexual being".. Studley gasped and threw Silky his drawers.. Buxy lifted her skirt and whipped out fifty euros, "listen all , admin have given us money to decorate this gaff, Dora and Addies take Head and get as many condoms for 10 euro as you can, we can improvise".. Dora looked at Addies and whispered "Is Buxy mad?, how many feckin Euros does she think we can get for ten bleedin euros?" Head roared "Never fear ladies , I have a plan" off they skated to the...
Master of Sex
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into a dark corner. where studly was soothin avalon. poor baby he said. come here an i will make u all better, i hav just the present to help. he wrapped his matador's cloak around the both of them. they ended up in a heap as stud cant skate anyway an buxy had thrown her bra to trip them both up. silky rushed over to pick them up an landed up in the middle wit his pink lace boxers on his head. addies was helpin dora fix her fillets. head was blowing up condoms wit bicurious and santa was fiddling wit his sack to try and...
Sex God
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"I have a rubber" squealed make (his gonads had been squashed when Dean dropped him)he was reaching into his pocket , when Addie squealed "look out make..."but alas it was too late, Losmags had fallen off the tree, and landed on Makes lap.... Sexy sprang into action , she ripped off her knickers and fashioned a make shift sling for Makes broken willy.. then she..
Sex God
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...the fine lace detailing and growled like a panther at Sexy, before standing up right and taking of across the ice willy in sling and not seeying buxy bent over tieing her skate laces....'ooooer Missus' she howled as make had lined him self up perfectly seeying his chance to dock with buxys willing wanton......
Sex God
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thirst quenching mi-wadi....this was another of the cheapo's for the party from the 10 booze for this lot said admin...they'd turn into nympho's if they drank, an only fook up at the make said buxy...what the feck ya doing with my mi-wadi....its for drinkin ya know not stickin yer willy in ffs....but all she got from make was a blissful grin as he docked his willy....feck off buxy me bleedin willy is sore the feckin circulation is cut cos sexy wrapped the lace too feckin tight.....with that there was a bang over in the corner and everyone turned to look....only to see...
Sex God
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Head flying overhead, crashing into the christmas Tree, he had blown up a condom and placed it on his head.. "Look at me! I am Peter Pan " he yelled, "Bloody Hell Head, cum down quit that flutterin about you will bang your head" roared Dora.. Too late poor Head crashed into Bonkinbabe, they both tumbled towards the hard ice, but luck was on their side, addies, avalon and silky were sitting on the ice, discussing knittin patterns... Head and Bonkin landed on the threesome.... Phew... "Is that music I hear" whispered Dora to Sexy.... "Nope hun just the air coming out of Heads condom".. OMG the door flew open and in skated WARSP, well stumbled really, he was still in ropes and ties after a night with..
Sex God
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Taz.... Davids pet name for curious-fem (after a slightly awkward episode involving edible underwear) .. Warsp flew across the ice and went headfirst into the barrier , he picked himself up and turned his serial killer eyes on buxy and said ...