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women squirting

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women who squirt it hate it

32 votes
yes (44 votes) 138%
no (1 vote) 3%
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Women Squirting!!
Forum Virgin
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Have seen women squirting on the net but never experienced it myself. I would love to know what that liquid is? It looks to me that they are losing control of their bladder when they cum, i.e. piss. Can anyone enlighten me as I am fascinated by this!
Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
well its not pee (i hope), the reason most girls will never squirt is that with the correct stimulation, they will experience a feeling as if they are going to pee, the more you stimulate the correct region the more the feeling will build, and kinda kills the mood for the girl when she tinks shes gona pee. my ex used squirt, but it was only after she had read some information on it and understood that the peeing sensation was actually a good indicator that she was close.
Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Pets squirts regularly particularly when I'm licking her pussy. I usually get drowned. It's definately not piss. I try to drink as much as I can, but it goes everywhere. We're going to get rubber sheets.
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
well if you seen on the net like you most of ye say then why you bitchin it about and dont ask a woman she do it for you its pissin all over thats what it is wake up will you lads cumm on