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What makes you, you?

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We all are unique individuals, we dont look alike, we dont sound alike and we sure dont always have the same opinions as others.
But what do you think makes you that little bit different from the rest????
Keep it funny....keep it light....make it revealing....make it entertaining.....heck make us cringe if you want to!:P
I have to turn my back if i see someone putting sugar on their cereal before the milk........i physically cringe....i cant help it.
(obviously comments that may deem to be offensive to others we dont want to know.....political persuasions, religious or any of the big no go topics...thanks)
Master of Sex
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Great Post Mona smile I am Absolutely terrified of mushrooms - Wierd - I know :) Cant watch people eat them, can't cut them, can't touch them. That's me :P
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My knee-cap slips out of place regularly :eeek: :crazy: hence the no stillettos :upset: or going on my knees :upset: or "knee-y" positions :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset: (re:going on knees & positions--other ways provided :rascal: )
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Oh thats me buggered then.... Mona I take a bit of sugar always before milk even on frosties ....:doh: Anna Couldnt live without a bit of fungi saute, garlic, stuffed ....:doh: Worship Hope that doesnt rule out cowgirl!:doh:
Master of Sex
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There are certain words...i will of course not say what they are...and a "privileged" few have sussed them out so please don't tell..anyway if i hear them i want to crawl up inside myself. They are not commonly offensive words in fact to most people they are just harmless but to me kryptonite.:Odunno
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God I cringe when I hear the sound of old new rubbing together. just thinking bout it.
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the thought of any woman trying to kiss me neck it makes me cringe so bad and it makes my skin crawl... " stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back "
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toenails being cut ..yukkkkkkkkkk makes my skin crawl even if i hear hub in bathroom clpping,I cant even cut kids toenails:doh::doh::doh::uhoh:
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the thought of any woman trying to kiss me neck it makes me cringe so bad and it makes my skin crawl...
Gets me going everytime go like putty
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I'm petrified of heights..once went to a concert in croke park, my friend had booked the tickets..and we were seated at the very top..:doh:.. i crawled to my seat, where i sat for all of 10 seconds before i crawled back down again..:-o... the sniggers were well worth it when i explained my predicament to the very very nice stewardman we were re-seated..beside the stage!!!! evry cloud and all...:happy::happy::thumbup:
Sex God
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I go daft when I see people heating food with Mayonnaise in it, I always take the 3rd copy of a newspaper from the pile in the newsagents,
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That horrible noise chalk makes when scrapped on a blackboard..
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i just cant go to sleep if one of the wardrobes doors are left open..and sometimes the hubby will wait till I'm in bed and then leave a door open just to wind me up...x:evil2:
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes me obsessive compulsive but the bathroom towels in my house MUST be folded with both edges turned inwards, loose end of loo roll must unravel from the front and.....yep, there's more......the air conditioning in my car is always set at an even number......:embarrased::embarrased::embarrased: Feck, just looking at this, even I'm worried now.....:scared::scared::-o:-o
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
cannot stand when the duvet is the wrong way round as in the end with the buttons is at the head of the bed, drives me bonkers. seeing people chew on wool...i swear im cringing and shivering here at the thought. I get my words muddled up sometimes and/or have a unique random way of describing things, usually when im a little hyper/giddy about something can be really embarrassing ....
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
The fact that I can't stand beggers on street. New a guy that did it and made at least 100 euro a day and people that leave doors open.
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
soooooooooooooo with you there kitten... drives me nuts!!
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My skin crawls when i see empty loo rolls left in the bathroom, i have to push them into the bin with my arm as i cant stand the feel of them
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I hate room doors left open, it drives me insane loon
I can't sleep facing anyone, I feel like they are stealing my breath and can't breathe.
Kitten with you on the duvet thing but I also have to have matching covers and pillow cases. When I go to my mums I check the bed and if they don't match will find a full set and change the bed.
Master of Sex
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Sex God
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Belly buttons freak me out
I shiver when I see/touch off cotton wool balls
I laugh too much and at jokes that aren't even funny - as I say I'm a comedians best audience
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Christ ye all sound mad lol..I switch the 2nd and 3rd newspapers in a bundle just before Titan goes in to buy one
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Well Im very discreet and would never break anyones confidence If someone tells me something Id never blabber Im 100% loyal to my friends I hate green veg such as peas, cauliflower, sprouts cabbage etc
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Crumbs in a bed drive me insane. That's toast for you
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I have to squeeze a loaf of bread before I buy it and will always take one from the back even though I know they are all the same!!!! Mrs D smile
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I dont like to sleep face to face am okay face to chest but not face to face like busty I feel like my breath is being stolen..... I never buy the first magazine, paper, book on display always go to the second or third .... Am honest and trustworthy and my loyalty knows no bounds..... if I am in a situation that stresses me out i count ceiling tiles or wall panels all in multiples of 4 and adding up to 16....... I sing in the shower lol When am nervous i am clumsy (so thats all the time lol ) and tend trip or bang knees and elbows........ had better stop there or you will all think i am completely bizarre dragon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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I will never forgive someone who hurt me . stubborn is my middle name .
Warming the Bed
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I work in a shop and all you people who don't take the top paper or magazine do my head in. At least straighten up the papers when you've yanked one out from down the pile.
Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
That makes two of us-im just bored.