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Slutty Damsel in Distress - Lost Property Query!

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Warming the Bed
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Well I've helped Midnightchat solve the mystery of her lost jacket from the M&G last Sat night.... so would anyone happen to have mine or know its whereabouts!? rolleyes:roll: Its a short black blazer type, three quarter length sleeves with bright blue lining inside... I left it on one of the radiators under a black leather jacket, its not expensive or anything but if I could find it that would be FAB! I don't mind coming home with no dignity (or knickers!) :censored: but to lose a third coat in the space of 3 weeks is just ridiculous lol :lol: I'll be freezing for the whole of winter if this keeps happening!
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Hope you find it Slutty :embarrased: 3 is a lot to be loosing.. wink
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
I'll be freezing for the whole of winter if this keeps happening! I'll have a look in my wardrobe, see if I've got anything classy you can borrow :thumbup:
Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Such a sweet offer! I shall have to repay such kind deeds with... eh, Slutty deeds lol
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Well slutty if your ever in our company and you have no jacket, troy would gladly give you his ;-) Chivalry is not dead its just forgotten ;-). Hope you find your jacket!