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Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
This time the second post on the Westside and Fights thread. Followed by silence, Westside.
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
It's what some people in here do to keep the peace..It's a learning process..Still wet behind the ears here!! We live and learn....
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Quote by user=hotcouple38
It's what some people in here do to keep the peace..It's a learning process..Still wet behind the ears here!!
We live and learn....

Well Hot,
Its simple to see whats happened told you to remove it because it had two things on it,
(a) gave me support,
(b) mentioned modding.
A few more points,
(1) if it was to keep the peace and bearing in mind that the thread was good laugh the whole way through then no peace was disturbed and that post wasnt doing any harm and why the wait until it was four pages long.
(2) Your same as all of the new of the older mods, me included, have the right to tell new mods what to have a right to consult or advise maybe but then again so do the new are all equal is the boss here not any fact we are all equal on the site regardless of wether we are mods or not in that the only difference is that mods have to enforce all,no other difference.
I find it amazing that the post was deleted to keep the peace despite the fact that no peace was disturbed again despite the fact that the thread, not only became four pages before the post was deleted but also became a very enjoyable easy on the eyes thread.
Its like this Hot,everyone for themselves but if i want another mother lecturing me and telling me what to do then i put myself up for adoption.
We now have a case where mods posts are being interefered next a round up of the different ethnic groups here?
This isnt of course a swip at you two because i know you guys too well and have enough regard for you then to allow someones wayward opinions damage any relations.
All i can say is that if i was a mod and put up a post and was told to remove it, anyone bar admin would be told to shag off.
I am also well aware why anyone wouldnt go against this mods views and im not saying as it would be telling then and to be honest i love the Perry Mason effect despite the fact that the puzzle, for want of a better term ,was solved by yours truely AKA me ,weeks a dog has a bone (fun) and its going to be taken away from him anyway, he justs sits and waits and sits and waits and bites if neccessary.
this is starting to look funny,
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Ok,,Let's get down and dirty here West..First of all,,You know damn well,,We'll always support you! Yes,,We were asked to remove it,and,at the time We thought We were doing the right thing. The person that asked us to remove it,was NOT even the person that was complaining about was a "secondhand" message. But,,you know us well enough West,,not here to make trouble,and We do our best to stay clear of any trouble! Once again,lesson learned,,and,We won't be removing any future posts,,unless Admin ask us to do so!. At the end of the day though,We had a clever little ploy,,Thanks to YOU! You see,,We knew 100% that NO WAY would you remove your part of it,and since you were clever enough to "copy" our post,,It's actually still there. So,,at the end of the day,,it's all good,,As The post is still visible,,Yet,,We done our bit by "Removing" it!!! The "wet" behind the ears is drying up fast..hehehe!! And,,for the sake of it,,We stand by every single word of that post!! Liam and Carol..xx
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
you promised me west ..but you know what i dont care im so so so so sick of all this bloody crap head is fried , but no more if anyine has a bloody problem with posts they can deal with it themselves , had a great night on here last night , and wake up to this ,, im sighned up for a ......... not .. ive had enough
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
No hard feelings to anyone but ill be back when the politics and bs is gone off the site, if it ever place is going to the dogs as far as im ,drama, egos all mixing and ruining the sticking their noses where they dont as i say ,dont do as i do rules the roast here. Its hard enough to keep crap out of life in general then to create it in a spot where there should be none.I came here for a laugh and a crack and both of those have deteriorated alot lately. I have just come to the conclusion that a person just cant win here ,in a peace one way your a cunt,go the other way your a me a break please. Fun what fun?, Westside.
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Quote by user=bicuriousme
you promised me west ..but you know what i dont care im so so so so sick of all this bloody crap head is fried , but no more if anyine has a bloody problem with posts they can deal with it themselves , had a great night on here last night , and wake up to this ,, im sighned up for a ......... not .. ive had enough

Once again West this or west did i do? all and i get west this and does the person that creates it all get?Nothing.
You ppl find another whipping boy,
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
I'm locking this, I don't see what the big deal is and why people are getting so irate about it.