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Mail suggestions

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Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Hi I Just want to suggest that there be a facility to save your outward mails on here. When you send an email it seems to vanish forever and you have no way of keeping track of emails. I do appreciate the sites free etc and the inbox set up is grand, Its just nice to be able to keep track of a conversation by mail and what messages you have already sent. Titan.
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Quote by user=titan1979
Hi I Just want to suggest that there be a facility to save your outward mails on here. When you send an email it seems to vanish forever and you have no way of keeping track of emails. I do appreciate the sites free etc and the inbox set up is grand, Its just nice to be able to keep track of a conversation by mail and what messages you have already sent.

What I've noticed is you might mail someone again not realising you have emailed them before
Perhaps when you look at someones profile, it could show you your interactions with the person(s)
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Thats one of the features coming soon.