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how do u become a mod

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Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
hi every1, so much talk bout mods and stars, just wondering how do u become a mod? xx
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hi bobbybobette u e-mail admin asking him to consider you to be a moderator and he decides louise
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Quote by user=bobbybobette
just wondering how do u become a mod?

Ride a moped and listen to The Who.
(that's my favourite joke and I won't stop making it. sorry.)
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I'm Just wondering in light of all the intricasies and internal disputes re Modding why anyone would want to get embroiled in it here? I have modded on a few other sites and regardless of the site content or the population its a thankless task. Its an honourable task, but not for everyone.
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Quote by user=makemyday0126
I'm Just wondering in light of all the intricasies and internal disputes re Modding why anyone would want to get embroiled in it here?
I have modded on a few other sites and regardless of the site content or the population its a thankless task.
Its an honourable task, but not for everyone.

Well dont assume just because i have a prob it means that the mod team are all in true at all.
My situation is just between me and one other mod and also another pair lecturing me on modding morals and they dont adhere to themselves.
Other than that all is fine with the mod all im saying and have nothing more to say.
At least im honest about things,
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Just my two cents worth... I have hired and manged a few site moderators and content owners and two guilding priciples I have also used are: 1. The best sites are good because they remain on-topic and the communications between individuals is civil and useful. A good moderator works to ensure that this remains true so that everyone can benefit from the community as well as contribute to the discussions in an intelligent manner. 2. The best moderators work with the site members to create an environment which is enjoyable and beneficial to all. A bad moderator can produce the feeling that one is being watched by the Gestapo or secret police, where every word is watched and postings are often deleted without apparent cause or need. Rgds Frank
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On the ball there Frank..It's quite clear here that "some" of the mods can't,or, are unwilling to get on with other mods. That is NOT a good thing..Not good at all... Liam and Carol....
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I had to shorted it my ears hurt
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Above was the scream thats been pushing its way out for ages .. i love modding .. i enjoy the site .. but tbh its been driving me mad lately .. now i get along with all the mods never had a problem with any of them regarding there modding , but perhaps this is my problem . i get to hear all the issues nd problems .. well no more .. im changing my number .. moving to a house in the hills nd throwing the laptop out the window .. no thats a bit to far lol ... my point being this site is supposed to be fun .. can everyone just stop bitchin and move on bodys perfect .. no member ,,no mod no one ,and no site .. there is never going to be 100% harmony on the site .. it would be a damn boring place if it was , however the pettyness nd crap has to stop . . if mods have problems with each other .. take it up with the mod in question .. treat people as you would in real life .. you have a problem have the balls to confront that person .. not bitch .. we are all adults and its about time we all started acting like one .. off to look at rental properties ! a frustrated lou
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Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Well im off living my life like i did before here so enjoy. Its easy for you guys to 've being modding how long now? When you have a prob about being treated wrongly and admin doesnt get back to you about it,after you have given lots of your time to the modding ,then come back and give your views.I reckon they would be alittle different to those here now. Not a big afraid it is. Call me when the fun is back, Westside. PS i spoke with a mod today about a prob that that mod mod is an excellent mod,mods well and does the mods prob?No backing from the mod mod feels like this while several others do fuck all and sorry i cant find a better description for all.
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And so say all of us!!..hehehehe....It defo needs to be sorted out though....Handbags at dawn?????
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Quote by user=hotcouple38
And so say all of us!!..hehehehe....It defo needs to be sorted out though....Handbags at dawn?????

PMSL hey you got anew handbag it match the flowery next a new hair do? Boob lift? Painted nails?
Loreal Because your worth it PMSFL hahahha
Sex God
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Feckin damn right I'm worth it..Pity Carol and I can't find anyone else to prove it Now,,where's me lippy,,ffs...........hahhahahaa
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Quote by user=hotcouple38
Feckin damn right I'm worth it..Pity Carol and I can't find anyone else to prove it
Now,,where's me lippy,,ffs...........hahhahahaa

Hey i could do with some make up 'll have to show me how to apply it next time LOL I particularly want to alternate yellow and pink toe nail paint.I think it would look real, cool with my new leopard skin Jurusalem Cruisers lol
Hot and West.A shiny pair,
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Thought you could do with something to help you blend into the backround...lmao...
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Its easy for you guys to 've being modding how long now? You know west I agree with a lot u say but u can take that comment and shove it up that toned ass of urs ... im only a newish mod but the abuse I have taken has been terrible and at times very upsetting . so this time im not agreeing with u ,, sometimes west you should actually stop and think about what you write and how It effects others because you can be very insulting to those who have supported you
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Quote by user=bicuriousme
Its easy for you guys to 've being modding how long now?
You know west I agree with a lot u say but u can take that comment and shove it up that toned ass of urs ... im only a newish mod but the abuse I have taken has been terrible and at times very upsetting . so this time im not agreeing with u ,, sometimes west you should actually stop and think about what you write and how It effects others because you can be very insulting to those who have supported you

Your readin gmy comment on its own and not in relation to the previous wonder they are taken out of i meant Bi is that you havnt being modding long enough for to experince the full circle of everything in relation to all im not like im writting bi is a gobshite or hot is a moron or simply giving an opinion based on what i experinced here and yes i stand over back in a few months and say the same thing.I doubt that you will say or feel the same you dont then great.
Sorry that you picked up on that one me when i say i do and have always appriciated the few that supported me.I always have.
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Well,,personally We've modded on another site before,,so modding is not at all new to us. As for the time here,,We're on this site in total,about 3 years... Some things never change though....
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Quote by user=bicuriousme
Its easy for you guys to 've being modding how long now?
You know west I agree with a lot u say but u can take that comment and shove it up that toned ass of urs ... im only a newish mod but the abuse I have taken has been terrible and at times very upsetting . so this time im not agreeing with u ,, sometimes west you should actually stop and think about what you write and how It effects others because you can be very insulting to those who have supported you

One other thing Bi.I stated on the mod lounge and have no probs stating here that you would and could be the best mod on the team and the team included for the im not even reading any more of this shit
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Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Agree with you there West...Just when things are getting fun,,it all goes downhill fast....Feck it anyway.... Back to normal so..
Sex God
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Quote by user=hotcouple38
Well,,personally We've modded on another site before,,so modding is not at all new to us. As for the time here,,We're on this site in total,about 3 years...
Some things never change though....

Well Liam at least you two know me and i likewise with have always had our chats ,not always agreable but at the end of the day we kept them in the context of what they are meant to opinion,no more no the way they should be.
Hey that was fast by the way LOL
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Quote by user=westside
Well,,personally We've modded on another site before,,so modding is not at all new to us. As for the time here,,We're on this site in total,about 3 years...
Some things never change though....

Well Liam at least you two know me and i likewise with have always had our chats ,not always agreable but at the end of the day we kept them in the context of what they are meant to opinion,no more no the way they should be.
Hey that was fast by the way LOL
And just before this gets taken out of context, we know each other over two years now along with exact same as we were back the one thing i like most about you two and both keep things in perspective when we disagree and christ we have disagreed LOL things are kept in perspective.
I mean seriously if i had hadnt any time for Bi would i phone her?Would i even chat to
My hands are up in the air,
For the first time in my life i give fuckin up.
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Big time...We always saw things eye to eye though..If we didn't,,at least we agreed to disagree. That's still an agreement,isn't it?? lmao... Not always that fast,,just showing off.....
Sex God
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Quote by user=westside
Well,,personally We've modded on another site before,,so modding is not at all new to us. As for the time here,,We're on this site in total,about 3 years...
Some things never change though....

Well Liam at least you two know me and i likewise with have always had our chats ,not always agreable but at the end of the day we kept them in the context of what they are meant to opinion,no more no the way they should be.
Hey that was fast by the way LOL
And just before this gets taken out of context, we know each other over two years now along with exact same as we were back the one thing i like most about you two and both keep things in perspective when we disagree and christ we have disagreed LOL things are kept in know what im like.I will admit i talk too much but keep things at the the hell would ppl say anything to me and expect me to say just the way i am i supposed to do?Change parents?
Anyone i chat to on this site its because i have time for them,even those i disagree with ,given a chance and just understanding what im like.
My hands are up in the air,
For the first time in my life i give fuckin up.
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Feck that,,we're giving up as well.... See We even agree to do that,lmao.... Even if you could West,,Never ever change bud,,Coz there's not a feckin single person on this whole planet could make it worth your while to do so..
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Quote by user=hotcouple38
Big time...We always saw things eye to eye though..If we didn't,,at least we agreed to disagree.
That's still an agreement,isn't it?? lmao...
Not always that fast,,just showing off.....

hot and id be the first to admit that id drive myself nuts with the talk and stubborness but again thats just the way i am but given a chance but expecting a chance here, like i said i give up.
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Same here,,off for dinner,,,,,Catch you later bud...Take care....
Sex God
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Quote by user=hotcouple38
Same here,,off for dinner,,,,,Catch you later bud...Take care....

Will do cheers
Sex God
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I know what you said about me west and im grateful for that .. and you might think that i took your post out of context but i didnt ,, all im askin you to do is think about how you phrase things ,,, even for a stubborn ass such as yourself that shudnt be to hard to do .. and as for u ringing me ... wud i bother answering if i didnt have time for you .. ur a stubborn , self opionated ass at times , but for some reason i have yet to figure out i have all the time in the world for you ,, however u know what im like .. im as stubborn as you (just nicer ) and im right on this one west you need to think bout what you say because some of your throw away comments as you call them are just wrong and really piss me off ..