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Another place ! Not Antrim

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Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Hi we were just wondering is there any reason for the following happening? We have been doing searches for people in the Antrim area that my GF can meet up with and we get a list of people but when you read their profiles it then says sorry Dublin not Antrim. I'm just using Dublin as an example, is this to try and get themselves listed more times in a search or is it a bug with the site that changes peoples location to Antrim? we've seen loads of people we liked only to discover they're miles away and not Antrim? Just Curious?
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
Its the default county during the sign up process, so when they signed up they didn't select their county correctly from the menu. At the moment members can't change their location, they will be able to do this when the new version of the site is available, in the meantime we have been updating them when ever someone contacts us, so if your location needs changing drop a pm to myself or via the contact us option with the details.
Warming the Bed
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
It is also a bug. Can't wait for the new version. Admin, if you need help with it, I study webdesign, give me a shout if you've problems.
Sex God
Swing4Ireland Logo 0 likes
hello this is jimmy arthur and my address is westmeath and not antrim